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Tali Kristal 

Principle investigator

Tali Kristal is Professor of Sociology at University of Haifa. The central focus of her research is on how and why positions in the economy such as organizations, industries, occupations, classes, and the relations between them, shape the evolution of economic inequality, and how these vary across time and countries. In a current research project funded by the ERC she examines the dynamics between technology and politics in producing economic inequality.

Recent publications include “Computers and the Decline of American Unions” (Work and Occupations 2019), “Computers Meet Politics at the Wage Structure” (Socio-Economic Review forthcoming), “Workplace Compensation Practices and the Rise in Benefit Inequality” (American Sociological Review 2020), and “Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020).


Current Project Members

Tom Baz

M.A. Student 

Tom Baz is a research assistant in the Income Inequality Lab, and an M.A. student in Sociology at Tel Aviv University, researching environmental NGOs through big data methods and text analysis. He holds a Master's in Philosophy from the Hebrew University.


Eran Fondiano

M.A. Student

Eran Fondiano is a research assistant in the Income Inequality Lab, and History of Inequality Master's student at the University of Haifa. Write a thesis and part of another research team that investigates the rise of the Israeli right. Also works as administrative staff at the Berry program in the Faculty of Humanities.



Daniel Yahalom

B.A. Student

Daniel Yahalom is a research assistant in the Income Inequality Lab, and in the LGBT history research team in the department of sociology. Holds a B.A. in economics and Jewish History from the University of Haifa. A graduate of Tarbut college for artist-educators through the musicians course.



Eynat Sela
B.A. Student

Eynat Sela is a final-year undergraduate student in economics and psychology. Interested in the economic system and its effects on the individual life in different fields – labor market, macro economy, political economy, and more. Likes working with data - predicting and identifying causality using different models are among her areas of interest.



Matan Kaminer 

Post-doctoral fellow

Matan Kaminer received his PhD. from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan in 2019. He studies the relationship between Thai migrant workers and their Israeli employers on farms in Israel's Arabah and beyond, and is working with Dr. Tali Kristal on a review of recent writings on labor and automation. Beginning fall 2020 he will be a member of the Buber Society of Fellows at the Hebrew University.



Project Alumni

Shir Weinbrand

Data analyst & lab manager

Shir Weinbrand is a data analyst and a scientific manager of IncIneq Lab. She obtained a B.A. in Communication and The Multidisciplinary Program in Humanities and M.A. in Communication and Media Studies (both Cum Laude). As part of her M.A. thesis, she investigated exposure to news diversity on Facebook and in news websites using web tracking data and computational methods.


Previously, served as a Teaching Assistant for Python courses and a Research Assistant in Media User Interaction Lab. Her academic journey has been further enriched by courses in Big Data Analysis using R, Computational Analysis of Text in Python, Introduction to Computer Science, and Network Analysis.

She is profoundly interested in computational social science, AI, big data, data visualization, political communication, social networks, political sciences, labor market, and psychology.


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Sussane Edler 

Post-doctoral fellow

Susanne Edler is a postdoc assistant at the Université de Fribourg where she is giving lectures on Social Stratification and Empirical Social Research and doing research on work and organization. Her current research examines wage inequalities due technological change and processes of social closure in the labor market. Until 2020 she was a postdoctoral fellow in the ERC-funded project “The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach” at the University of Haifa. As Ph.D. student she worked in the Collaborative Research Center 882 (CRC882) at the Bielefeld University and has been the recipient of the mobility grant from the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology for a 6 months research stay at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.



Efrat Herzberg-Druker

Post-doctoral fellow

Efrat Herzberg-Druker is a lecturer (tenure-track) in the Labor Studies department at Tel-Aviv University. Before joining the department, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Sociology at the University of Haifa in the ERC funded project " The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach" (2017-2020) and a Fulbright postdoctoral fellow in the Sociology department and Center of Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018-2019). Her research interest lies in the field of stratification and inequality, with a focus on labor markets. Specifically, she focuses mainly on the relations between family demography and income inequality and gender inequality in labor markets. Her work has been published in Social Science Research and Social Indicators Research.



Tali Kristal 

Principle investigator

Tali Kristal is Professor of Sociology at University of Haifa. The central focus of her research is on how and why positions in the economy such as organizations, industries, occupations, classes, and the relations between them, shape the evolution of economic inequality, and how these vary across time and countries. In a current research project funded by the ERC she examines the dynamics between technology and politics in producing economic inequality.

Recent publications include “Computers and the Decline of American Unions” (Work and Occupations 2019), “Computers Meet Politics at the Wage Structure” (Socio-Economic Review forthcoming), “Workplace Compensation Practices and the Rise in Benefit Inequality” (American Sociological Review 2020), and “Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020).


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